Psychic One Up Manship

One of the reasons I like to help people learn to use their psychic abilities is because it frees them from relying on anyone else’s intuitive skills or knowing.

Many professional psychics are beautiful and talented people who help clients get information and clarity and I hope you find a couple of these you can trust.  But far too many use their supposed superior abilities to lord it over others.  I’m not sure what sort of person enjoys correcting and scolding others for money, but I have encountered far too many of these sorts and heard stories about them from friends.

Though I have strong intuitive skills, I like getting a good reading once in a while.  It moves the energy around and gives me a new perspective.  There are things I have trouble seeing for myself, too.  But I’m beginning to wonder if I have as much trouble seeing my stuff as one might think.  I usually tell people candidly about my own clear knowing but I find that psychics come in two camps;  those who can tell that and those who use their psychic boots to trample boundaries.

The last such psychic told me that I am just not grounded at all and need to develop some skills.  This was a bit shocking to me because I think I am insanely grounded and besides she yelled at me that I needed to be more grounded.  Anyone can perceive something differently than usual and maybe I was having an ungrounded day, but this psychic did not clarify. This one scolded me for not being more consistent with my energy hygiene.  I’m way too old to be scolded.

I have been reading clients for over a dozen years and have never, ever, even once, insulted one.  I know a few superlative psychics who can give me any information in a way that makes it positive and practical.  I will stick to these good souls from now on after a couple of terrible experiences when I tried someone new.

Let me tell you a secret.  You can say almost anything as a psychic with no hard feelings.  Simply tell the client what you see and don’t get carried away interpreting it.  For example, “I’m drawn to your lower back for some reason.  Anything going on there?”  Or, “I get the sense that you’ve been in the house lately but you say you’re out a lot.  Let me look again at why I see that and why you might need to know what I’m seeing.”  “Well, I keep seeing a sheepdog but I don’t know why.  Does that mean anything to you?”


Sometimes, dear reader who wants to be right, when you get the wrong end of the stick, just let it go!  “I keep seeing this.  Make a note of it, maybe it will make more sense later on.

I have heard some shocking things that could not have been spoken for any supportive and helpful reason.

  • “Boy there’s some bad energy around but I have news for you; that energy is yours.”
  • “You should drink more water.  How much water do you drink?  It’s not enough”
  • “You should take up dance.  What?  Clogging?  No, believe me, you need to take belly dancing.”
  • “There’s something wrong with your foot, mark my words.”

Consider these sorts of comments red flags and GET OUT of there!  It is bad for you to receive abusive communication that ignores what you have said about yourself, blames you or defines you wrongly.  We all like getting more information, but don’t accept any which is not helpful.  And p.s., criticism and fear is not helpful.