A Creation Which is Not Bad, Not Bad at All

When he was really impressed with something, my Uncle Mac used to say, “Not bad.  Not bad at all!”  Hearing this form of speech, many remark,  “Be positive.”  Mac would have purposely misunderstood them and said, “I am positive.  I’m positive that it’s not bad at all!”  

The “not bad” denial does serve a purpose, especially useful when hoping to create a goal or intention.  “Not bad at all.”  says that we looked for, but did not find fault.  In a world that focuses heavily on positivity, we are coached not to ever look for fault. 

It is tempting and perilous to overlook the resistance that plays into an intention.  You may deny or ignore the resistance in an effort to be positive.  But when resistance, problems and emotions get pushed under the rug, you can expect to trip on them later.

So often when creating something new, people experience what I call “push back.”  I want to make more money but am thrown into fear by a big vet bill.  You want better relationships but then get into a tiff with one of your best friends.  I plan to get a lot done but get more distracted than ever.  This is the resistance manifesting.  It gets in the way and it creates discouragement


When helping someone prepare for an achievement, I have learned to anticipate the side effects.  We “future pace” the planned change to see how all aspects of it can be expected to work.  We anticipate problems that may need to be resolved.  How will the fees get paid?  Will you like all the aspects of living in the new location?  Will the love of your life keep you awake snoring?  Will you truly enjoy being well known?

This rehearsal points out the difficulties that can occur.  The pitfalls can be avoided, the problems solved, solutions found in advance.  With  problems out of the way, they no longer pull energy away from the intention.  The creation now is powered by more energy and more coherent energy.

Success is much more likely, and much easier, when you deal with the resistance.  Acknowledge it at least, cope with it at best.  The conscious mind can nowenjoy the good outcome without subliminal worries diverting energy to possible problems