Ruth Wilson
Your Next Chapter
At retirement, a corporate downsizing, children flying the nest, pandemic, war, aging a few years, or other important life shift, you may be encouraged to think that your options have narrowed.
But in truth, these are times when the portals to a bigger, brighter, happier existence can open up for you! Rather than being at a fork in the road where you could go left or right, you are actually in a place from which you could fly off in any direction you choose.
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Does a current of anxiety run through your Sundays because you must return to work on Monday? Perhaps you wake up at night concerned about a task which, in the morning, turns out to be really not that big a deal. Bullying is extremely common in the workplace, on boards, and in volunteer positions. You can develop a powerful mindset, heal the effects, find freedom, and sometimes you can even benefit from the exchange. You can learn to spot bullies a mile away and avoid them much more of the time, and better yet, you can break free and have honest and collaborative relationships.
Despite the popularity of Law of Attraction, most people do not attract what they want most of the time. How the Law of Attraction works is still a secret. After extensive research, I’ve discovered why people do not get good results. I’ve also discovered the law works all the time (It’s a law.) You ae always attracting experiences according to your thoughs and feelings. Learn to work with the Law to get results you desire.

Do you secretly wish you could find true love but fear it is only an idle wish? Perhaps you yearn for profoundly deep companionship and yet wonder if such a partnership is even possible.
You know you are a good, kind, person with a lot of love to give. Your friends know it. Maybe even your family know it. But somehow, a good healthy, balanced (yet exciting) relationship has not happened for you.
Perhaps your last relationship left you reeling? Maybe your last several relationships left you traumatized, victimized and certain that you ought never to try again.
If you have been the target of narcissistic abuse, your experiences could have ranged from chronic disregard to emotional manipulation and put downs. But, your next relationship can be healthy, happy and easy. You can have love without the difficulty and disappointment.
Intuitive information can be used to inform your business, and to form your business.
We get intuitive information from the energy of a situation, but we can also use the intuitive sense to create a situation from energy. Everything we create begins as the energy of thought. This is exciting because it allows you to create situations which are uniquely suited to your energy.
Traditional business planning wisdom urges you fit yourself into the marketplace and follow established patterns of marketing yourself. Progressive thinkers are seeing that bringing your authenticity to the market can be much more effective – especially at this time of rapid change when established structures are becoming un-established. The internet can connect you easily with a very specialized niche.
This book is about creating and planning aspects of your business on an energetic level; creating a mental and emotional image as a model or blueprint of your business, and then bringing that energy into physical expression – what we call reality.
Entrepreneurship is a very personal expression. The exercises for intuitive business planning align your business with your unique essential self on conscious and unconscious levels.

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