Five Steps to Receive Intuitive Guidance

Step One:  Receive Intuitive Guidance with ALL Your Intelligence

Intuitive guidance comes from awareness beyond the intellect.

It can take the form of a sign.  Rainbows were a sign in biblical times.  Seeing a deer causes me to pay attention. 

Intuitive Guidance can be simply a sense of knowing.  Thoughts and feelings pop into the mind  with an unsupported sense of certainty.  

Experiences like seeing where to shop for an unusual item; knowing to avoid a certain place; hearing an inner voice saying this is the right house;  or getting a warm feeling about someone.

A study of a subset of 1950s train crashes was reported by Rupert Sheldrake in his book The Sense of Being Stared At  (  It showed that rain ridership declined significantly from previous weeks on days when there were crashes.  Intuitive hunches can be very useful to follow

You can learn to master the subjective nature of consciousness and be open to receive intuitive guidance and make better decisions.

Step Two:  Bring Your SuperConscious On Board

Practice using your awareness to receive more intuitive guidance .  Simply remember that you have a superconscious mind and become more aware of tfhis higher self working on your behalf.  It operates below conscious awareness but affects what you notice, how you feel, and the actions you are inclined to take.

The best practice for using the superconscious is simply to tell it what to do.  In your own words,  outline the things with which you’d like the  superconscious to help.  You might say:  “I make new connections to this community.  Help me find opportunities to expand my business. Show me where to find the outfit for that wedding.”  Leave it at tht

The higher mind brings intuitive hunches, ideas and even opportunities for your life.  

Step Three:  Honor Your Feelings

It is important to be aware of feelings so you notice when you receive intuitive guidance.  Thoughts and ideas that come out of the blue, a sense to take some action, or even very subtle nudges about the route you take, are likely guidance.

Those who are guided to great things are people who notice thoughts and feelings.  They read the signs.  It happens for almost all of us to some extent and you can learn to weave more intuitive guidance into your daily processes.

Notice how sure your intuition feels.  I felt I  had to leave a picnic /meeting early to meet a workman at home. He had not called ahead as promised, so I might have ignored the feeling, but knew I should go.  Once home, the workman pulled up right behind me, saying, “i forgot to call you.”

Step Four:  Practice Paying Attention and Trusting

Notice if the intuitive hunch stays with you awhile.  If you dismiss it but return to the thought, does it still feel real?

If you notice what seems to be guidance you will get more and better information.  Don’t  insist on unnecessary explanation

Guidance is sometimes very clear.  Once on a city street I heard an inner voice urge, “Move!”  just before a chunk of ice hit the pavement where I had been. But subtle cues can be just as useful. Notice an unusual thought urge, or feeling.  

Step Five:  Integrate with Common Sense

Intuitive guidance is not logical but don’t check your common sense at the door.  Don’t gallop out of a family wedding or an important meeting because you suddenly know the shoes you want are at Nordstroms.

Intuition is usually positive, and the guidance is about what to do rather than what not to do and comes with a calm feeling of knowing.  Even if it’s urgent, guidance is usually not the same as being frightened.  Anxiety can feel like intuition and guide you to avoid things and people.  This is why it helps to know your feelings.  There is a difference between feeling shyness on a first date or meeting people you should avoid.

If you miss an intuitive hit you have other chances to follow guidance to further courses of action. You get do-overs.

I once waited to board a plane but felt I should not board. I wasn’t afraid but felt silly continuing to wait.  I decided I must be wrong but on the ramp, I  stopped.  My body would not get on the plane.  I felt less foolish when everyone was moved from that plane to another.

Learn to trust those nudges and hints.  Hear that inner whisper, catch the inner vision.