The Secret is known by everyone. In fact, Oprah says she’s been sharing the Secret for years. For all the information available about the Law of Attraction (if that’s what it is,) how many people do you know who thought and grew rich? If you’ve accessed information on manifestation, creating reality, attraction, vibration, what has been your experience? You probably get some results. If your results have been inconsistent it could be for the following reasons.
First, you’ve been taught to focus on the wrong things.
Knowing about quantum physics, real or bogus mysticism, or even the science on the subject will not help create your experience. It may give you faith, and that’s good, but it doesn’t help you get on with creating that dream before the close of the age. You have also been pointed to some entity “out there” when the magic of creating your desires is not a law but a god given power that arises from inside you.
Secondly, you may have been given very daunting advice.
The preachier experts will provide rules for manifesting: I stay positive all the time… change your beliefs… Keep your vibe high… Try to sustain a mental picture for more than a nanosecond… if only you were a visual thinker… Really?! You probably know some rhyming platitudes about these rules. Inspiring stuff, maybe, but it distracts you from your unique magic. The most magical manifestation I ever enjoyed occurred when I got really angry. I was certainly not positive and high vibe. I was, however, most genuinely and energetically me.
The experts can lead you to wonder if maybe you need to attend a really expensive program to make a breakthrough. Making an investment can help you to commit, and a really good program can definitely help you get results. But success comes from accessing your very own magic and a compatible strategy.
Third and most importantly, if you got wonky advice about taking action, it could derail your intentions manifesting.
Presumably, your desire can spring forth magically. I have seen it happen, but not very often. And by waiting for a miracle, you forego the huge benefits of taking the right action. If, on the other hand, you must take massive action, that’s not manifestation but just plain old hard work.
The kind of action we are taught at work and school usually comes from a sense of lack and difficulty. It is difficult and not entirely self motivated.
Using your inner magic to create, works well with trust, and with flowing, inspired action. If it’s your dream, shouldn’t it be fun? So the action will be appealing to you rather than difficult. You will make efforts and enjoy them.
Magic can be work at first, but it works like, well, magic once you get it. When you act, you send yourself a message that you really mean to accomplish your intention. If you believe in your desire, you begin to act accordingly. Better yet, if you begin to act accordingly, you grow the belief that you are the person who has fulfilled your desire.
I’m going on here about flow and ease, but what about the fear we all have about trying something different? You were probably advised to ignore it. That doesn’t work with fear. If the fear points out some danger, turn off the magical thinking and create a safe course of action. More likely, you need to simply feel the fear and take action anyway! Note: it’s feel, not ignore, the fear.
There is a lack of pragmatic advice available on creating your experience. You may be told it’s magic and find the magic doesn’t always work. Others teach that it takes massive action and you don’t know if that approach works because you can’t get yourself to do it. Is the whole idea baloney? No!! There is magic. It is the magic you can call forth out of yourself. Yours is different from mine. It can be hard to find this magic because mostly we have not been taught how.
It’s not too late to start using your magic. As an adult you need it more than ever to create more of what you want in your life.
You can use your intuition to access your inner magic and wisdom. Intuitive coaching can help you access it. Schedule a consult, on me, and see what could help you get results. I promise we will change your energy around your magic whether you work with me or not.