What’s stopping you?

What's Stopping You?

What’s stopping you? Are there intentions that you cannot manifest easily?  Are there actions you don’t complete?  Or, steps you do not even take?

We are told we create our reality but why create such things?  Why procrastinate?  Why fear trying something new?  This is one of the few situations in which asking why is helpful.  Usually, when we have some limit to our performance, it is a subconscious part of the mind stopping the show.

Why would the subconscious do such a dastardly thing?  Usually, it is being protective.  At a subliminal level, the mind sees a risk associated with your plan.  Making that call could be painful for a shy person.  Investing that money presents unknown risks even when it’s well-researched.  Starting a business?  It doesn’t take much imagination to come up with pitfalls associated with that!

Never mind that we have all been conditioned and 

cautioned to fear alternative hobbies, therapies, diets, or philosophies.

You can ask your unconscious to find a different way to protect you – one that will allow the goal to be achieved. Then you can take small action steps, make safe investments, and have people tell you “no” without stopping the project.

Of course, you don’t have immediate access to the unconscious. If you did, it wouldn’t be unconscious.  But you can find hints. Start by asking yourself some questions and taking the first answer that comes to mind.

Do each one 5 times.

  • Why haven’t I achieved this intention yet?
  • My intention is to ___________, Yeah but ____________________
  • Write 5 short vignettes why someone would create the situation you are in. Why would I prefer what I have to what I want?

You want to head south.  Your unconscious pulls you north…or west… Now you know what’s stopping you!  Sometimes just knowing these things will help.  If not, decide what action to take.