We all think we know just what we think and believe, but how much are you really in conscious control?
The answer can be found by looking at how often you don’t do what you expect to do.
Do you have dreams that you haven’t realized (yet) despite your best efforts? How often have you manifested something surprising or disappointing? Does your behavior ever drag you away from the greatness you affirmed for yourself?
Have you ever known things you didn’t think you could know? Have you found solutions that were far better than you ever imagined? Perhaps you have experienced happy mistakes. Unconscious thoughts and feelings can lead you to find love with an unlikely person, or find the perfect house where you didn’t expect it to be. They can also keep you from sticking to your health regime or getting chores done, or breaking a habit like smoking.
There are various estimates but they all suggest that a huge proportion of our thoughts and feelings are outside our conscious awareness. I’ve heard that conscious material is only 5 to 10% of the whole. I wonder who figures these things out, but my coaching and personal experience would support such estimates.
Failure to consider this can keep you stuck and lead you to herculean efforts of will power. Do you take massive action, and vainly repeat affirmations to make personal changes which should be relatively easy? What holds you back?
Oh, yeah! How do you reach the unconscious and reconcile the conscious desires with those hidden thoughts and feelings? How do you understand the less familiar languages of unconscious communication?
Learning to use intuitive methods will allow an easier communication with the broader mind. This is a key to understanding the pictures, feelings, energies and symbols and then using the information to create results that I would call “magic.” Hypnotherapy is a great tool for getting into a mental state that allows simpler communication with the total mind. It is also a great practice for developing intuitive skills.
A lot can be done with simple intention. If you intend that your unconscious will show you the solution to a problem, often, it will simply drop the best ideas into your consciousness in the next few hours or days. Try it today. You can’t lose!
A meditative state that relaxes focus and allows communication with the whole mind, can foster communication with the whole mind also. Let the ideas float to the surface. Meditate with a notebook!
All of this can give you an appreciation of the vastness of your consciousness. Genius. That’s you!