Inner Magic that Comes with Age

Inner Magic that Comes with Age Common wisdom holds that human intelligence is a rational, brain based, sort of thinking.  You have been taught to use your head and figure things out. Don’t let emotions get in the way! We ignore or even disparage spiritual knowledge...

The Secret Power of the Mature to Change the World

The Secret Power of the Mature to Change the World I sat yesterday with a group of mature people seeking the wisdom of Source within.  It became clear to me that as we age, we gain access to a realm of magic and creativity.  These people use their super powers; their...

Energized Intentions

Creating energized intentions Creating energized intentions uses easy, flowing energy. How you defineintentions makes all the difference to your success.   Do you plan to achieve what your heart desires?   Or do you pursue what you think you can have?  Maybe you fight...
Creating with Inner Wisdom

Creating with Inner Wisdom

What is inner wisdom anyway? Think of the wonderful feeling of security when you consult your inner wisdom.  You know what you know. How many times have you just known that things were ok, when events looked dire?  You were using inner wisdom. How many times have you...

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Positive Power of Destruction to Manifest Your Dream

Positive Power of Destruction to Manifest Your Dream

Manifest Using Destructive Forces Back in the day, the power of destruction was part of the pantheon of presiding gods and goddesses.  Hindu Kali comes to mind; her image ghastly in so many ways with evidence of human destruction.  We tend to avoid that much obvious...

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Do you know how to feel?

Do you know how to feel?

“Of course!” you say, I know how to feel.  Who doesn’t ?  We meet face to face on screens these days, or we talk over phones.  Processing information visually or through hearing is most efficient. The teachers at the metaphysical church say thoughts are things.  But,...

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When Law of Attraction Doesn’t Attract What You Wanted

When Law of Attraction Doesn’t Attract What You Wanted

It has become a common belief that the manifestation of reality depends at least partly on the mental or energetic state and the practice of the Law of Attraction has become popular for achieving intentions.  Most of us have experienced reality creation in this way...

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Consider some weird solutions

Consider some weird solutions

When helping a client to improve performance, there’s no limit to what we may ask the person’s mind to do.  In the realm of metaphysical mentoring, it is believed that anything is possible, energy is important and that hypnosis can reach and engage the unconscious...

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The Metaphysical Mentor Manifests

The Metaphysical Mentor Manifests

It is the metaphysical belief that you create your reality, consciously or unconsciously.  Many of us believe to some degree that we can manifest what we want.  Do you believe this?   It is not so pleasant to believe that we manifest what we do not want.  Can we have...

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A Creation Which is Not Bad, Not Bad at All

A Creation Which is Not Bad, Not Bad at All

When he was really impressed with something, my Uncle Mac used to say, “Not bad.  Not bad at all!”  Hearing this form of speech, many remark,  “Be positive.”  Mac would have purposely misunderstood them and said, “I am positive.  I’m positive that it’s not bad at...

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Law of Attraction – working when and as intended

Law of Attraction – working when and as intended

The law of attraction can work for you but putting it into effect is often a bit different than what you might think.   You have probably been taught that every word and thought will create your reality.  In truth, there are lots of aspects of consciousness that you...

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Positive Power of Destruction to Manifest Your Dream

How you stop yourself from being magic

You probably know you have access to intuitive information, but do you believe you are reliably intuitive to the extent that you will take responsibility for your intuitive perceptions?   It’s unfortunate if this is the case because you deny yourself the use of...

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