
Why You Do Don’t Do What You Plan

I have planned to paint my living room for years, but haven’t done it.  Things came up. I had little time and no help.  Besides, I hate painting.  I’m not surprised that I had such avoidance and that it continues.  However, even enjoyable tasks can meet with intense...

Using Your Intuition

Using your magic Is there a dream you want to create but you haven’t been able to make it happen?  Perhaps you are not sure if your dream would succeed, so you can’t just Quit your job Borrow money Pursue your dream as a college major Do it as a side gig But what if...

Magic to Manifest

You have your very own surefire magic to manifest your dreams.  If you use it, you will create what you want with pretty amazing power.   But, this magic probably is not what you’ve been told and is not where you have looked for it.   With the paradox of all magic, it...

Manifest What You Want Now

Finding the Heart of Magic Within Yourself I am here to tell you that you can pursue your dreams.  In fact, I am here to tell you that you must pursue your dreams.  I have been on the planet for a while and have had enough experience with clients, friends, relatives...
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