Inner Magic that Comes with Age

Inner Magic that Comes with Age Common wisdom holds that human intelligence is a rational, brain based, sort of thinking.  You have been taught to use your head and figure things out. Don’t let emotions get in the way! We ignore or even disparage spiritual knowledge...

The Secret Power of the Mature to Change the World

The Secret Power of the Mature to Change the World I sat yesterday with a group of mature people seeking the wisdom of Source within.  It became clear to me that as we age, we gain access to a realm of magic and creativity.  These people use their super powers; their...

Energized Intentions

Creating energized intentions Creating energized intentions uses easy, flowing energy. How you defineintentions makes all the difference to your success.   Do you plan to achieve what your heart desires?   Or do you pursue what you think you can have?  Maybe you fight...
Why You Do Don’t Do What You Plan

Why You Do Don’t Do What You Plan

I have planned to paint my living room for years, but haven’t done it.  Things came up. I had little time and no help.  Besides, I hate painting.  I’m not surprised that I had such avoidance and that it continues.  However, even enjoyable tasks can meet with intense...

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Using Your Intuition

Using Your Intuition

Using your magic Is there a dream you want to create but you haven’t been able to make it happen?  Perhaps you are not sure if your dream would succeed, so you can’t just Quit your job Borrow money Pursue your dream as a college major Do it as a side gig But what if...

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Magic to Manifest

Magic to Manifest

You have your very own surefire magic to manifest your dreams.  If you use it, you will create what you want with pretty amazing power.   But, this magic probably is not what you’ve been told and is not where you have looked for it.   With the paradox of all magic, it...

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Manifest What You Want Now

Manifest What You Want Now

Finding the Heart of Magic Within Yourself I am here to tell you that you can pursue your dreams.  In fact, I am here to tell you that you must pursue your dreams.  I have been on the planet for a while and have had enough experience with clients, friends, relatives...

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Now would be a good time to start HAVING what you want

Now would be a good time to start HAVING what you want

Now would be a good time to start HAVING what you want. If there’s something you really, really want to do, start right now.   Don’t make any excuses.  Simply start. Take action today  Start as small as you must.  You may have no idea how important it is for you to...

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Authentically You

Authentically You

Can you relate to Square Peg?  Square Peg has spent much of her life trying to squeeze into a round job, relationship, or neighborhood.  Sometimes she remains silent when her friends discuss their round world and hopes her corners will not be noticed. Square Peg had...

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Intuition and Emotional Intelligence

Intuition and Emotional Intelligence

The development of intuition tends to increase personal growth.   And I might add, it does so in a relatively painless way.   No pain, surprising gain. Intuition, after all, is perception.  It requires present focus, and tuning out prejudices, bias, contrary beliefs...

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Your Psychic Skills

Your Psychic Skills

Of course, you have psychic skills.  There are numerous, scientific, double-blind studies showing that picking up information in a psychic way is common though a lot of this activity occurs at a somewhat less than conscious way.  This evidence is accepted and put to...

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Holistic Creation & Problem Solving

Holistic Creation & Problem Solving

When I need to achieve something, it’s always wonderful if I can find a how-to on Youtube, or look up the steps and follow them.  This is the standard approach to solving problems, doing, and creating new things and we’ve been taught to apply it to everything we...

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Explore my Blog and delve into a realm where intuition meets transformation, as I share insights, experiences, and guidance as an intuitive coach. Enjoy exploring thought-provoking articles aimed to enrich your spiritual journey while unlocking your full potential.


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